
Toyota Hilux

If I could, I would buy a Toyota Hilux. They have a diesel engine, they are (in my opinion) more rugged than a tundra or tacoma, they look nicer (my opinion once again), and have been time tested as a solid truck around the world. It's a bummer they are not in North America. I found these commercials from New Zealand and Australia and got quite a kick out of them. The NZ one is so over the top ridiculous and funny. Here is one from Pakistan that has a different approach. I'm pretty sure they took the title track from "Last of the Mohicans" and tweaked it a bit for the commercial. Kinda weird but whatever. I may just have to save up some extra cash and make a trip to NZ and export it over here. Perhaps. I really want a small to mid size pickup truck with a diesel engine in it.

1 comment:

Kelliann said...

i'm gunna move to newzealand mate