
Last Christmas my brother Brad and sister Michelle recorded this rendition of "Do You Hear What I Hear" as a gift to my Mom. It was my sister Michelle's singing debut. She is pretty shy and isn't known as being a performer so it was a breakthrough. If you want a copy of the song I can email it to you. I'm trying to encourage them to record a whole Christmas album one of these days. It's in heavy rotation on my Christmas playlist. They played it for me for the first time when they picked me up from the airport having just gotten back from a semester abroad in Israel. They had just gotten the master copy from the studio and hadn't shown it to anyone. It was pretty neat. Hope you enjoy.


kylie said...

i want a copy. LOVE IT~

Anonymous said...

WOAH. I Love chrstmas. I love this song. This is the perfect thing for me! Clark you have a talented family! I need it. :)

Angie Simmons said...

Clark I love it! Tell your brother and sister it's fantastic! I'd love a copy, too, if possible!

Marilee said...

Yep, it was pretty much one of those "mom" moments when I finally caught on to who was singing. Tears tears tears! I too think they need to do whole album Clark. See you Wednesday or Thursday depending if you can make it for the airport run.

Chris & Carolyn said...

Wow! I Love that. Yes please... send me a copy.