
Explosions In The Sky

Explosions In The Sky are releasing their next album in April. I was lucky enough to get ahold of it a bit early and let me tell you... it is incredible. I've been a fan of these guys for a while now and have been pumped to see them progress through the years. This is one of their strongest albums. Maybe even their best. They are from Austin, Texas based and need to be a part of your life. I love Post-Rock music and these guys are the kings of that entire genre so you have to give them a listen to if you haven't already.

Highlights of "Take Care, Take Care, Take Care" are: "Human Qualities" and "Trembling Hands". FYI.

Check this video out. Simple and grand.

Here is another incredible video I came across using one of their better songs. It is incredible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

torrent king ;)