
Shinya Kimura & Zero Style

I've been wanting to post this for a couple months now but now feel it is time. I like so much about this video. Shinya Kimura is one of only a few motorcycle builders to have the opportunity to have their work shown at the Legend Of The Motorcycle - Concours d'Elegance exhibition. He started a cycle shop called Zero Engineering in the early 90's back in Japan and has since moved to the states. His bikes have a cult following and if you check out some of his work you will see why. My favorite part of this video is at 1:10 to 1:20. The video is extremely well made but the audio is what really gets me. It's raw and noisy yet not over the top in my opinion. Found via throttlefmc.com

1 comment:

jess bahr said...

Clarky pants, I hot two things for ya:
a. Real cool video, thanks for sharing
b. Happy late bday! I saw that my lil sis wrote on your fb wall. Not gonna Lie.... That's kinda weird :)