
Kid Brother Ballin'
While kickin' it in Canada over the holiday season I had the chance to watch my little brother Neal play basketball. It's pretty rare for me to see him play with me being in Hawaii for the past several years so it was a treat. I'm pretty proud of the kid. His team was down by double digits and came back and tied it up at the very end to put it into overtime.

That's when Neal decided to turn the notch up a bit. He got a steal at mid-court and took it in for a layup right after he hit a three pointer to start the extra time. His team went on to win it because of those plays... pretty neat stuff. It was a scrappy game but it was quite entertaining. Luckily the whole break was filled with basketball. My Dad and brothers and I were able to get some pickup games going quite regularly with my cousins and some of their friends. Good times. I'll never get tired of playing hoops.

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