

It's not everyday you get to take a look and see what's underneath you. This video captured my attention like none other. I'm not sure if it's because it was taking me behind the scenes of an incredible city (a city that has always captivated me), or because what they were doing is illegal, or because I love checking out things from the past that supersede the tag of "old" or "historic". Instead these places seem to be hopelessly preserved for a reemergence and given a new life in the form of a documentation such as this video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Here are some links to some more info about these adventurers. [1] [2] [3]


kylie said...

spencer i just watched this documentary over the break. interesting and good.

Garth Swindle said...

This is amazing!

Kendal Haynie said...

I love your Blog... I am so happy my friend showed it to me. I look at it daily. I love your posts!

Dane lemends said...

Does the guy ever change his clothes?